Friday Adventures with Friends
Don’t you just feel a sense of relief, like the whole world was lifted from your shoulders? Cause its Friday! Fridays are good. Fridays are great. But what could you do on a Friday? You could go partying, watch a movie or head straight home. But here’s what you should do, if you really worry about the health of yours & your loved ones.
An active session of your favourite sport!
You are most likely to be bursting full of energy, so why not use all that pent up energy in an intense, fun game of your favourite sport with the best of your friends. It could be cricket, football or a little game of aggressive rugby. Stretch your muscles, work your bones and jostle with your friends, you’re doing your body a favour.
Game over? Discover new food!
You’re probably wondering how food can be adventurous. We speak from experience and food is one of the best adventures you can ever have with your friends. Here’s a little advice; stick to adventuring on healthy food. You will be surprised to discover how flavourful raw veggies with hummus & pita bread can be.
Slow down & gaze at stars
You’re probably wondering how food can be adventurous. We speak from experience and food is one of the best adventures you can ever have with your friends. Here’s a little advice; stick to adventuring on healthy food. You will be surprised to discover how flavourful raw veggies with hummus & pita bread can be.
Eat Good, Feel Good, Flora.